About Jugend hackt
Jugend hackt is a program for young people who want to improve the world with their technical skills. Supported by volunteer mentors, our participants develop digital tools, prototypes and concepts for a better future. Our offer includes hackathon events in many cities, regional labs, an online community and international exchange programs.
What distinguishes us
In line with our motto „Improve the world with code“, Jugend hackt is about more than just learning to program: We understand technology as a means of social change. We encourage young people to use technology responsibly in order to find solutions to socio-political questions. They create projects such as a watering system that donates free WiFi; a bracelet that warns of surveillance cameras or an audio computer game for people with visual impairment.
Jugend hackt is a non-profit program of the non-profit organizations Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. and mediale pfade.org – Verein für Medienbildung e.V. Participation in our programs is free of charge for young people as far as possible. We value diversity in our program and actively promote the participation of young people who otherwise have limited educational opportunities in the technical field. The positive change that our program brings about in the lives of our participants is demonstrable. Jugend hackt has been awarded the PHINEO seal for effectiveness.
Volunteering is at the core of Jugend hackt: hundreds of voluntary mentors throughout the German-speaking world form the basis of what we do. We are proud of and grateful to our dedicated community that is growing and driving us forward. Our network in the areas of education, technology, engagement and civil society has been growing since the program started in 2013, in both German-speaking countries and beyond.
Handbook & Evaluations (German)
Handbuch Jugendhackathons
Wissenschaftliche Evaluation 2015
Wissenschaftliche Evaluation der Labs 2019
Prizes & Awards
From our Blog (German only)

Wie finanziert sich Jugend hackt?
Unterstütze unsere Arbeit
Werde jetzt Fördermitglied von Jugend hackt und unterstütze junge Menschen dabei, mit Code die Welt zu verbessern.
Eine Fördermitgliedschaft ist deine Möglichkeit, die Arbeit unseres Programms langfristig zu sichern und selber Teil von Jugend hackt zu werden: Du erfährst Inside-Stories und bekommst spezielle Dankeschöns. Auch für engagierte Unternehmen ist etwas dabei!
Partners & Supporters
Jugend hackt is funded by the SKala initiative from 2018 to 2021.
The Deutsche Bahn Foundation funds Jugend hackt labs in 2019 and 2020.